Exhibition Preparations

DOC prepared by J.E. Pepper Gallery Director

All artist information to Kimberly Bliss, Kimberly Norton & Tim Greene (Public Relation writers in Joy Hall) + 300 dpi images three weeks in advance for press advances.
Include student’s name, college program, class status, your hometown, name of exhibition, title of image, year, completed medium, dimensions of each image.
Hometown press releases for students go to all the newspapers in their area - the online distribution service, readMedia, has a database set up to distribute this. Students get a copy of the release in their Caz email boxes, which can be shared on social media or by email.  

Distribute to Pepper to distribute to all students, all faculty, all administration, all staff via CAZnet one week in advance.
You may do your own email blast with image / name of exhibition / dates of exhibition /  reception date and time / your website
All works on exhibition in the Art Gallery need to have a completed Work Release document that includes the exhibitor’s name, all details of the exhibited work, insurance price/sale price, and signed by the exhibitor.  
Students please note, should a work be damaged while on exhibition, the creator needs to prove full market value of the work, thus for insurance purposes, the creator must prove a work has been sold for the listed said amount, prior to any monetary amount being paid out. 

The Gallery is unable to support any costs incurred towards the printing of post cards, letterset, copying, reception costs, etc. All costs are the responsibility of individual students and/or their programs.  The exception of this is with the Annual Juried Student Exhibition that occurs earlier than BFA exhibitions. 

Allow plenty of time for printing of your cards, etc.
On-line companies include: Vistaprint.com, Nextdayflyers.com, Overnightprints.com, Zazzle.com, 4x6.com, Modernpostcard.com, Moo.com, others* see my page on post cards, brochures + take aways

Distribute the minimum to following areas:
> 5 brochures/postcards to Kim Bliss JOY HALL
> 10 brochures/postcards to Crystal Pierce-Jadwich, President’s Office, JOY HALL 
> 10 brochures/postcards to Admissions Offices 
> 10 brochures/postcards  to Bookstore
> 10 brochures/postcards to Copy Shop
> # brochures/postcards to Common Grounds/Dave’s Diner
> Town of Cazenovia shops, other locations (your discretion)

SELF PUBLISHING / Hard and Soft bound books & catalogues
Allow plenty of time for printing* See my page on Self-Published books.
On-line companies include:  www.Blurb.com, www.Lulu.com, www.shutterfly.com, others.

Plan on bringing your own tools including hammer, nails, screws, tape measure, small hand held level
Some basic tools provided – but do not count on these! Push pins, basic sheet wall screws, etc. provided; “L” nails and other specialty hardware need to be provided by exhibitor. I have a number of chrome 'bull dog' clips
Gallery walls cannot be painted any color other than the Gallery paint provided in the gallery closet
No painting on walls, no drawing on walls, etc.
No hanging of anything from the ceiling unless you have the direct approval of the Gallery Director
P.S. Do not attempt to spackle seam that is created by moveable walls

Vinyl letterset may be installed on the wall (obtained at Absolute Sign and Awning, both on Erie Blvd.)
No stickers, vinyl letter set, or other installed on maple floor
Use only REMOVABLE WALL HOOKS such as 3M Command Hook with Adhesive Strip, silicon pads, Velcro adhesive strips on the wall.  All are simple to install and deinstall from gallery wall, with no wall damage.  
Labels created, proof read and printed ultimately on cover-stock paper.  I laminate the labels for all gallery exhibitions for extra strength and professional ‘finish’
Apply to wall surface with REMOVABLE Silicon poster squares or any damage-free adhesive
A typed Gallery Checklist is useful, copied and left at Monitor’s desk for pick up and visitor reference. Make sure you put your contact information on it!
Do NOT use industrial strength permanent adhesives such as DUCT TAPE or carpet tapes on walls or floors!

with committee  
Pull out all suspended walls if you believe they will be used  (pull gently with help of two people, running the walls on the tracks is much like driving railroad cars). 
Place pedestals from the Gallery closet you believe you will be using (you may paint these to freshen these up)
Place art work on a sheet (or protective covering) on the floor plane where you believe the optimum viewing range is and on pedestals.   
Installation “eye level” is approximately 52" > 50” – 55”.  If using this as your optimum viewing range, eye level should ‘hit’ this mark ½ way area of the work.  
Installation can only occur during gallery OPEN hours.                                            Should extra hours be needed, they must occur directly following the Gallery closing hours until the close of Reisman Hall at 11 PM.                                                     Should extra hours be necessary, only reliable students who will be held responsible for the safeguarding to any works within the gallery limits and the gallery proper. Students promise NOT to climb on the 18' ladder after hours.                                  Students who remain in the gallery after hours are only those who are reliable, and must know they will be held accountable for the safeguarding of any exhibits, objects, tools and the gallery itself. Notification of after hour installation, student names, must be emailed to the Gallery Director and Director of Security,  4 days prior of the installation date.  

CREATE Gallery Book * optional 
> Include exhibitors’ current CV 
> Artist / Designer BIO 
> Artist / Designer Statements, Project Statements + Price List / Insurance prices kept in files 
> Previous works leading up to the exhibited work

Order food from Dining Hall for reception minimum of 2 weeks in advance. 
Forms may be found on-line at MyCAZ 
Have food placed on 6’ table directly outside gallery doors.  
The table will need to be skirted with your own tablecloth, or will be an extra charge from Dining Services. 
If necessary, order video, tripod to be set up from ITC + camera person for gallery archive, one week in advance of your event.

Carefully remove all work from walls and pedestals
Spackle all holes with vinyl spackle
Sand all areas with sandpaper, follow by feather-brushing with paint over all areas
Remove all letterset from gallery walls carefully
Return pedestals and ladders to gallery closets
All exhibiting artist/designers are responsible for returning the gallery to the same condition that it was found.

This includes:
Removing all artwork + wall labels from walls carefully
Remove any nails, pins, hooks. etc 
Return pedestals to locked storage closet  
Stack along wall neatly
Lay a tarp down before painting spackled areas
Slightly dent hole areas in wall with a hammer + spackle over, wipe smooth and even with wall planes
Lightly sand the spackled areas when spackle has dried 
Paint spackled areas
Clean up any paint or spackle that was dropped or smudged on the floor or on the molding 
Pick up any materials that may have come from your piece or packing, from floor – i.e. Styrofoam peanuts, etc.
Thoroughly wash any tools used within the process in the kitchen
Fold up drop clothes and place paint inside Gallery storage closet neatly
Return all Cazenovia College’s tools to the Gallery closet on the small table and in tool boxes
Return ladder to gallery closet
Make sure the Gallery closet remains organized

My thanks for your professionalism and your adherence to these procedures.

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