The Afterword . Addendum writing

that which is to be added
n. pl. Addenda

A thing to be added; an appendix or addition

The addendum is a written work that highlights supplementary material made to an original document.

It is also known as the Afterword or Appendix. 

The addendum seeks to help clarify ideas raised in the paper and to critically connect concepts that were later discovered in the student’s research not made in the original Capstone paper.

Following the completion of your exhibition and oral defense, each student will write a three page (minimum) ADDENDUM or AFTERWORD to incorporate into their Capstone research papers. We ask that you write the Addendum, post oral defense as this is the time that you have the ability to see your year long project come to an end with the defense of your Capstone paper accompanied by your Thesis exhibition both behind you. 

Think of the afterword as supplementary material that states something that has not been said in the paper; something that has been recently discovered. 
Many of your committee members have discussed specific things they wish for you to address.

This written work should state the impact of the student’s scholarly research and the student’s ongoing creative work and how each has served the other’s advancements.  
It is an opportunity for the student to look backwards and forwards simultaneously.  
An addendum brings together points that may have been raised at your oral defense or comments made by a gallery visitors that relay a meaningful idea that you never thought of prior.

The student needs to connect the concepts raised in their Thesis Capstones and other source materials.  It is anticipated that this is thoughtfully authored work will help place the student’s creative output into the context of the art historical practice they are about to enter as professional artists.

The writing should be reflective of how your Capstone research paper and creative work in your Thesis exhibition have informed each other, while both informing you so profoundly. 

First Draft DUE TUESDAY APRIL 17th
Second draft will be vetted through your committee members.

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